Welcome to Silvestri Sports Performance Inc.!
I’d like to take few moments and dedicate my first blog post to a little introduction about Silvestri Sports Performance Inc. as well as myself.
Silvestri Sports Performance Inc. is dedicated to furthering athletic development across all populations and groups. Our goal is to build the athletic potential in all we do and how we can develop our bodies to move more freely, efficiently, and effectively whether that is in day to day life or sport performance. The ultimate goal when working with any population group is to develop into a better being both physically, mentally, and emotionally. What we do today makes our body more resilient for tomorrow.
I, Michal Silvestri, am a current Master of Science student at The University of Guelph. My research and work are focusing upon the role of injuries in sports and sport performance as well as pain. My research I am working upon, goes hand in hand with what I try to accomplish with all athletes and clients. We work towards being injury free, moving efficiently and building strength on top of a stable base.
The work I do with all clients is very strategic, and very customized to each individual. Nothing we do is a one size fits all approach. Each individual will have varying goals, varying health history as well as varying physical capabilities. That is why we truly believe in working towards individualized training in order to deliver the upmost service, as well as success to all athletes and clients.
If you have questions, are interested in training, or just want to talk you can always reach me at michael@silvestrisportsperformance.ca.
Until next time,
Michael Silvestri, MS(c)